How do I find out the local IP address, username and password of a Dahua camera?

Last update: 24.12.2023
  1. How do I find out the local IP address of a Dahua camera?

  2. How do I find out the username and password of a Dahua camera?

1. How do I find out the local IP address of a Dahua camera?

By default, a Dahua camera should get the following IP address in your network. However, these cameras also have DHCP enabled by default and, if this address is already occupied by a different device, the camera will receive a different IP address.

If the camera in question is already connected to an Ivideon account, the ways to find out its current IP address can also be found in the ‘How do I find out the local IP address of a camera?’ article.

In addition to that, a camera can be found in the network with the help of:

  • an IP scanner specific for Dahua devices called Config Tool;

  • an app for Dahua camera setup called SmartPSS (for instructions see here, section 3.1.1);

  • any IP scanner software working with all devices (e.g., Advanced IP Scanner).

2. How do I find out the username and password of a Dahua camera?

The default username used on Dahua devices is admin.

The default password is also admin. But please mind that:

  • If the camera is connected to Ivideon (directly), a random password for local access has been already generated for the camera when it was attached. In this case, you can find out how to change it in the ‘How can I find out the username and password to the local web interface of a camera?’ article.

  • If the camera is not connected to Ivideon, the first time you access it, you should be able to enter the web interface with the default password. After that, the camera’s system will suggest creating a more complex password that will be used for further access.

The password you create should meet the following requirements:

  • must contain from 8 to 32 characters;

  • must contain lowercase / uppercase letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers;

  • may contain special characters except: ‘ (apostrophe), “”(double quotes), ; (semicolon), : (colon), & (ampersand).

NB! If you use any of the special characters listed above in your camera's password, it will be impossible to log into the camera's web interface with this password. Additionally, the Security settings tab will not be displayed in the camera settings in your Ivideon Personal Account (to restore access to it, you will need to reset the camera to factory default settings).

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