How do I find out the local IP address of a camera?

Last update: 17.03.2024

Getting to know the local IP address of a camera connected to Ivideon

In case your camera is not attached to Ivideon, its IP address can be found using an IP scanner software or special software from the manufacturer of the camera. More details on this can be found in the instruction manual of your device.

1. The camera is attached to Ivideon directly

2. The camera is connected via a DVR

3. The camera is connected via Ivideon Bridge

4. The camera is connected via Ivideon Server

1 The camera is attached to Ivideon directly

If you have connected your camera to your Ivideon account directly (i.e., without any additional devices), its local IP address will be shown in its settings in your Personal Account on

1. Press the menu button either under the preview of the camera (the button with three dots) or under the timeline in the view mode (the button with a camera and a gear icon).

2. In the dropdown menu, please pick the Camera settings option:


3. Please switch to the About tab in the window that opens. The latest used IP address (current if the camera is online at the moment) will be shown in the IP address field.

In case your camera supports 2 ways of connecting to a network (Wi-Fi and Ethernet), the IP address field will show 2 address for each of the ways of connection:

  • eth0 – LAN connection (wired);

  • eth2 or wlan0 – wireless connection.

Use one of these addresses depending on the way the camera is currently connected to your network.


2 The camera is connected via a DVR

If you have added the camera to your account via one of Ivideon-ready DVRs or DVRs with Ivideon firmware installed, then the settings of the camera in your Personal Account will only show the local IP address of this DVR.

In this case, the IP address of your camera can be found by:

  • looking it up in the list of connected devices via the local interface of the DVR (you can get access to it using the DVR’s web interface or by connecting a monitor to it);

  • using an IP scanner application or the manufacturer’s app for local camera setup.

More details about this can be found from the device’s instruction manual or by contacting its manufacturer.

3 The camera is connected via Ivideon Bridge

If you have attached the camera to Ivideon via an Ivideon Bridge device, its IP address can be found in the settings of Ivideon Bridge in your Personal Account on You can find more information about this in the How do I change parameters of the camera that is already connected to Ivideon Bridge? article.

4 The camera is connected via Ivideon Server

If you have attached the camera to Ivideon via Ivideon Server software, its IP address can be found in the Ivideon Server application:

1. Open the Ivideon Server app and stop the server (in case it is started);

2. Right-click the name of the camera in question in the list of devices and pick Settings… from the context menu:


3. The camera’s IP address should be specified in the IP field.


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